We must build our capacity to rid our government of bad political actors, well-financed corporate school reformers, and people who want to turn back the clock


Illinois: Election Tools, Deadline and Dates

Not sure if you're registered to vote? We'll help you check and register if you can.

It take less than 2 minutes to register.

Can't or don't want to vote in person on Election Day? Request a ballot by mail

Illinois voter registration

Vote registration deadlines

  • In Person: Received 28 days before Election Day (If voters miss this deadline, they may also register during the registration grace period.)

  • By Mail: Postmarked 28 days before Election Day.

  • Online: Received 16 days before Election Day. (If voters miss this deadline, they may also register during the registration grace period.)

Vote registration deadlines

You can also register in person (and vote) at your local elections office during the "grace period." The grace period starts 27 days before Election Day and ends on Election Day. Grace Period Voting does not take place at your regular polling place. Grace Period Voting is typically available at your Local Election Office. Contact your Local Election Office for more information.

Illinois vote by mail

Vote by mail ballot application deadlines

  • In Person: Received 1 day before Election Day.

  • By Mail: Received 5 days before Election Day.

  • Online: Received 5 days before Election Day.

Vote by mail ballot are due

Postmarked by Election Day and received by 14 days after Election Day.

Illinois early voting in person

Early in person voting starts is Illinois

40 days before Election Day.

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